12 Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers Organically … That Actually Works.

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Instagram is a very powerful social media platform so learning ways to grow your Instagram followers can make or break your brands, so whether you run a multimillion-dollar business or a personal brand, Instagram levels the playing field and gives equal opportunity to build a community and grow your influence.

So, let’s discuss the things we can do to increase our Instagram followers


1)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers Is -Consistency

This is definitely one way to boost your followers on Instagram because the algorithm favors consistency. Now, you don’t need to post every single time, but once you have determined how you want to post, maintain it throughout.

For example, you can decide to post 2 or 3 times daily at a particular time but just make sure you do it daily and you will see massive growth. 

2)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers IsFocus on Increasing Engagement 

Engagement refers to how people are interacting with your post, they can like, comment, share or save it, all this usually boosts up your post especially if you get a lot of engagement within 30 mins to 1 hour of making a post.

What I usually do is, I focus on liking comments and replying to them for the first 30 mins to 1 hour. I also make sure my replies are at least 4 words per comment and not just emojis.

3)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers IsAlways Promote Your Posts

I always ensure that I promote every single post I make by using relevant hashtags from free tools like tagsfinder , this is very important because it will increase your reach. When you use relevant hashtags, you will get to reach people that are not your followers but have similar interests thereby increasing the likelihood of these new people following your page.

4)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers IsIncrease The Time People Spend On Your Post

The amount of time people spend on your post determines how the algorithm will treat your page. Instagram just like every other social media platform wants to keep people on their platform, so they tend to favor posts that keep people longer on Instagram, so if your post/page keeps them longer, the algorithm will favor that post and promote it for you. 

Posting one picture with a short caption might not achieve this, but making the use of a carousel or an interesting video with a long relevant write-up that will make people actually read and comment will keep people longer which will make Instagram start promoting that post. If the majority of your posts are like this, your followers will greatly increase because Instagram will promote all of them.

5)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers Is Study Your Analytics

Analytics on Instagram is only available to a business Instagram page, so if you don’t have one, you can convert your personal page to business by opening a Facebook page and then connecting it to your Instagram page.

The analytics gives you important information like when your viewers or followers are online. My advice here is to note the peak time of when your viewers are online and then post a few minutes or an hour before the peak time, so for example, if the peak time is 12 pm, post by 11 am, so that you can benefit completely from that peak.

6)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers IsDo Polls

It’s all about the engagement, more activity = more reach, so when you do polls, as far as it’s relevant to your followers, they will engage with you and this will boost your page and increase your followers.

7)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers IsPost Stories

Now, I feel that people might not know how important this is. First, ensure that your photos and videos are well-edited, they must be eye-catching or interesting, the reason is that you need to draw new followers. 

Then I advise posting a lot of stories, as much as you can, because the more the stories, the more the reach because Instagram views these as activity.

8)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers IsSwitch It Up

This is so important so as not to fatigue your followers, don’t just post only one type of content, whether business or not.

So if your page is all for advertising clothes, every once in a while, switch it up by posting something funny or something motivational, just to keep your page interesting.

9)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers Is Use The Location Feature

People underestimate the power here, using a location increases your reach to people in that location, it doesn’t have to mean that you are actually living in that location, choose a location based on your goals.

For example, if you are an artist living in New York, USA with an Instagram post tailoring to people living in Los Angeles, you can use Los Angeles as your location. When you do so, your post will be pushed out to people in that area, thereby increasing your followers.

10)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers Is Tag Relevant Page

This is very important, tag all relevant pages when you make a post. 

So, for example, if you’re wearing a crop top, shorts, sneakers, and a bag bought from different pages tag all those pages because those pages could contact you to review their products.

You don’t have to be an influencer to achieve this, you just need to have a good interactive engaging Instagram page. This is going to increase your followers exponentially

Now, I have to also stress that you should only use relevant tags, don’t just tag any and every page hoping to get clout, that just makes those pages have a negative image of you and your page, tag only relevant pages. 

11) One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers Is Encourage Post Shares

More shares = More Reach

Reach refers to the number of people that see your posts. So if someone shares your post to a platform, be it WhatsApp, Email, Facebook, etc, your reach and number of followers will also increase.

How do you achieve this?, ask them to share it, it’s actually as simple as that. You will be amazed how many people will share your post as a result of you simply asking them to do so especially if you already have engaging followers.

12)One Of The Ways To Grow Your Instagram Followers IsKnow What People Want To See From You

I can’t tell you how many times I made a beautiful post that I was very excited about and thought, surely, this post will go viral, but shockingly it didn’t but I also made another post that I wasn’t really excited about but that post surprisingly performed well.

Now, when that happens, what you need to do is, make an actual note of those posts that did well and recreate something similar to the post again. 

This is called user-generated content, where you look at those posts that got the highest engagement and recreate them as another post. This will keep your engagement consistently high and as we all know, the higher the engagement, the higher the reach which inevitably brings in more followers.

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Learning the different ways to grow your Instagram followers is very crucial to the growth of any business. Instagram is a very potent platform, and if you are able to grow there, your influence will profit you in every aspect of your life as a business person, career person, public figure, and so on.

So the ways to grow your Instagram followers is by

  1. Consistency
  2. Focus on Increasing Engagement 
  3. Always Promote Your Posts
  4. Increase The Time People Spend On Your Post
  5. Study Your Analytics
  6. Do Polls
  7. Post Stories
  8. Switch It Up
  9. Use The Location Feature
  10. Tag Relevant Page
  11. Encourage Post Shares
  12. Know What People Want To See From You

Comment if you have any questions and I will reply to them, also comment below if you have any extra tips on how to build your followers on Instagram.

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